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Photograph of the Workshop

Natural Language Processing for Historical Documents – a workshop report

Experts on NLP tools for working with historical documents met in Berlin in September for a CLARIN workshop to exchange ideas, experiences about tools and methods. The outputs included a draft resource guide, and a plan of action to integrate more tools into the CLARIN infrastructure.

The main goal of the workshop was produce a guide to software applications for processing historical language varieties, a document which will help users to find, understand, choose and deploy natural language processing software applications for the annotation and analysis of texts in historical language varieties. The guide will be published alongside the existing ‘Resource Families’ guides to datasets ( The workshop took place at the BBAW in Berlin, and was organized by Martin Wynne (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford), Bryan Jurish (ZDL, BBAW) and Christian Thomas (CLARIN-D, BBAW).

Natural Language Processing for Historical Documents – a workshop report weiterlesen